- Blue Streak by Premia
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- October at Premia
October at Premia
Owl things Premia from the past month!
📝 It’s that time of the month again, Anon!
Welcome to the Premia Wrap-Up — a monthly newsletter of owl things Premia.
Everything we did last month, what we’re currently working on, and what we’re planning for the future.
We’re currently in the midst of Arbitrum Odyssey — join here to get an exclusive NFT!

Recovering from the conference circuit, we’ve shifted our focus to polishing the Premia Blue platform and its features.
Oh, and also — Premia successfully received a hefty portion of the Arbitrum Short-Term Incentives Program — many thanks to everyone who voted for us!
We have a lot of things lined up and planned for the next few months, so stay tuned~
Next, in terms of development, our goal is to iron out any rough edges and ensure a seamless user experience to traders on Premia Blue. Any and all feedback regarding that is appreciated, so if you’re an active user of the platform, throw us a message on Discord!
Here’s a list of the features and changes we’ve pushed out this month:
Position PnL sharing cards
Multiple UI fixes and general improvements
Here’s what’s next in no specific order (although spreads are VERY close…):
Improved option-chain UI
Isolated margin
Portfolio margin
Omnichain capabilities
A friendly reminder about migration — if you still have assets on Premia v2 waiting to be migrated to Premia Blue, read this article.
Premia Blogs & Newsletters
Community Calls & Options Talks

This month was busy for us in terms of questing and Academy events, with more to come.
Expect more missions, contests, quests, and partnership events soon enough. Paired with the Arbitrum STIP, there will be loads of things to do over the following months.
Here are some cool stats from the content side of things:
Newsletter Subs: 2,218 → 3097+
Unique Academy Users: 11,446+

Join the DeFi Options revolution with Premia, Anon!
The time for Premia Blue’s conquest has finally come. Give the platform a whirl — we’ve got strategy vaults, range orders, and options for any ERC-20 with a ChainLink oracle!
To recap, here are some things you might expect from Premia running up to the end of the year:
Even more advanced academy content
More general improvements
More vaults and isolated margin
Keep in mind, Anon, that

And with that, see you next month!
