Premia merges with Knox Vaults

Whats next may surprise you - The Surge

Alright, the big announcement wasn’t Premia v3 quite yet. But it’s something just as good.

Knox has been building independently for around a year now. Their flagship products, Knox Vaults, are finally getting ready to launch — what better way to celebrate than to bring them under the same roof!

Let’s introduce our new (old) friends.

How We Got Here

Knox Finance is a small, grassroots group of builders passionate for stitching up the gaps of vault strategies in DeFi.

Way back on March 31st 2021, the Knox Finance team were awarded a grant to build the first wave of structured products atop Premia. As a small throwback, here’s the original governance proposal.

From then on, Knox and Premia have been collaborating on a regular basis, assisting each other wherever possible. As time went on and Knox Vaults have been approaching launch, a lot has changed in terms of branding and product development.

However, Knox’s core mission has stayed the same — they’re still the same group of passionate builders here to help onboard the next generation of users into DeFi.

What Are Knox Vaults?

Knox’s flagship products are DeFi Options Vaults (DOVs), more appropriately called Knox Vaults. Automated yield-bearing strategies that formalize the process of underwriting options to generate yield.

Knox Vaults combine Premia’s architecture with a novel way of executing trades via auction, creating a lucrative 2-way market. Option buyers don’t have to worry about overpaying, while vault depositors get the best yields possible.

Knox Vaults will be the perfect alternative for LPs looking to generate more predictable, risk-averse yield while maintaining directional exposure to an asset.

What This Means For Knox

As a result, Knox will have the responsibility of independent marketing, outreach and community management lifted off their shoulders.

With the freed up resources, Knox’s development will be streamlined — faster iteration, product launches, and planning. This also means that Premia’s lineup of products might see further expansion sooner than you think.

Additionally, business development for Knox Vaults as a whole will be put up a notch. Expect more partnerships and integrations for both Knox and Premia.

Knox will keep their shiny website, though — it would be a shame to let it go to waste.

What This Means For Premians

In addition to being simple and easy to use, Knox Vaults are exactly what we want — strategies that earn sustainable and predictable yield for depositors.

First, Knox will assist in onboarding the next wave of liquidity to Premia. Going forward, Knox and Premia will collaborate in building the next generation of DeFi strategy vaults.

Have Questions About Knox Vaults or Premia?

This is the first of many big announcements we have lined up, and Knox Vaults are launching soon.

If you have any questions about Knox Vaults or the Premia protocol, or just want to share your memes, we’d love to have you on our Discord!


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